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Benefit as Our Registered but Anonymous PHRs User

User Rating:  / 3

Personal Health Records (PHRs) is a well known concept. The government is promoting PHRs systems to reduce medical errors and healthcare cost for the nation. However, the biggest holdback for a PHRs system is its low enrollment due to privacy concern. Most people does not trust a nationwide system to keep their medical records.  

The innovation we are providing is an anonymous PHRs service. A user is able to input and output his/her medical records in various forms online. Superior to a regular cloud server site, this site provides a pure one-way service: you come to get and put in your medical data, remain anonymous and never get a message initiated from the server. Actually, this server is not able to contact a confidential user who chooses not to provide identifiable information, such as an email address.  

For security purposes, there are two independent groups of registered users: confidential user group and privilege user group.  

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Personal Heath Records

User Rating:  / 2

A Personal Health Record (PHR) is a record with information about your health that you, or someone helping you, keep for easy reference using a computer. You control the health information in your PHR and can get to it anywhere at any time with Internet access.

PHRs use secure technology to protect your information from being seen without permission. You'll get a unique user ID and password. You control who can see your information.

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An Introduction for a New User

User Rating:  / 1

Welcome to our confidential Personal Health Records service. We believe identity information diligent people also deserve a safe yet convenient PHRs service. We are the leading CONFIDENTIAL PHRs service on the internet.

There are six drop-down menus from the homepage of this website:

Home section contains common used links like login and logout forms.

Account Setup section demonstrates how to set up a “Patient New Account”, etc. Basic biological information is sufficient to start a patient account and use our convenient PHRs service.

Record Entry section allows a user to book his/her medical data. We are able to input certain medical data for a user for nominal fee.

Record Search section allows a user to retrieve his/her medical data in various forms.

Telemedicine Section is for advanced user who needs get a physician service online. Many insurances companies are adding telemedicine as their covered service.

More Links Section presents other famous PHRs related website. We believe keeping PHRs is a good life style and hope more and more people will adopt this concept. From this section, a user can also join a discussion group, watch tutorial videos and find his/her biological “best day” and worst day.

Thinking you can illustrate these points better? Let us know and we will be glad to use your article here.

Useful Websites

User Rating:  / 0

There are many government sponsored websites and commercial websites that are related to patient centered medication. This category lists some of the most populated sites. You can also find a link to submit a website you like.


A new medicine dictionary is available from Telemedicine Menu.
Deadline for application: Oct 15th 2013.

Physician User

A registered physician will be able to search a patient from this site and contact a patient if his/her PHRs matches with a physician's search criteria. It usually takes about three working days for the site administrator to verify the qualification of a newly registered physician and enable this physician's service privilege on this site.

Priviledge User

Privileged users include site administration staff, volunteers for a specific medication group and patients recommended by physicians. Depending on his/her group settings, privileged user will be able to see restricted information on this site.    

Confidential User

This site provides confidential Personal Health Records service for the general public for free. A user can choose completely anonymous, encrypted his/her personal identity information using a private key or using a changing default encryption key.

An encrypted personal identity information which will be stored in an premium account is needed if this user needs to get an prescription service from our online physician.

Thursday the 18th. Contact: