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Adopting a patient centered service is a long term project that will change people's life style. This message board lists other

promising products and contracts for your reference.

PCORI Patient-Researcher Matching Challenge

User Rating:  / 1

Every day, patients, caregivers and clinicians face any number of complex health and healthcare decisions, individually and together. They might have to choose between several options for preventing, diagnosing or treating a particular disease or condition.

Register to

A new medicine dictionary is available from Telemedicine Menu.
Deadline for application: Oct 15th 2013.

Physician User

A registered physician will be able to search a patient from this site and contact a patient if his/her PHRs matches with a physician's search criteria. It usually takes about three working days for the site administrator to verify the qualification of a newly registered physician and enable this physician's service privilege on this site.

Priviledge User

Privileged users include site administration staff, volunteers for a specific medication group and patients recommended by physicians. Depending on his/her group settings, privileged user will be able to see restricted information on this site.    

Confidential User

This site provides confidential Personal Health Records service for the general public for free. A user can choose completely anonymous, encrypted his/her personal identity information using a private key or using a changing default encryption key.

An encrypted personal identity information which will be stored in an premium account is needed if this user needs to get an prescription service from our online physician.

Thursday the 18th. Contact: