Last updated: Jul 26 2013. 16 14 12

This form requires minimum information for data retrieval. Please input correct birth year, gender, blood type and zip code information for statistics analysis. Here is an example for correctly filled new user form:

After you put in your login name, PHRsT will automatically varify that if it has been used by other people. You will get an error message if your login name has been taken. Otherwise your login name field will be painted green as being accepted.

Please notice the option of "encryption". By default, this option is checked. Leave this option checked will give you extra security confidence to choose a personalized word because your login will never leave your local computer in its original form. Your login will be encrypted on your computer with proven encryption that is virtually impossible to be resolved within finite time.

However, uncheck the encryption option does have advantage: You will be able to retrieve your login online. We will be able to send you your login after credential verification. For login encrypted user, we have to give you a temperate login because the user never let us to save his/her login unchanged in our database.

Please notice that your password is always encrypted before leaving your computer.

Nick name is optional. It is used as header display only. The encryption form of your login like "4676424d5f805a7579abc1236" will be displayed if you do not supply a nick name.

Email address is also optional. However, email is required if you need to retrieve login name or get a new password. Due to the anonymous feature of this PHRs repository, there is no way for us to recover your login or password manually. Therefore, lost login or password means lost your data and account. Please keep your login/password really safe if your email is not supplied.

A successful new user registration will automatically log you in as this new user. Please print and save your receipt for any technical support request.

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